Penyffordd, Penymynydd & Dobshill Community Plan

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PUBLIC MEETING - Why you need to be there!

There is a lot going on in Penyffordd/Penymynydd right now. This is why we are holding a meeting and why you need to be there.

Housing Development

In the last 5 years, there have been over 300 new houses bringing around 1,000 new residents (welcome everyone!).
Right now there are 4 planning applications which together could bring another 300 houses / Apartments and potentially another 1,000 residents within the next 5 years.

There has been an impact on life in the village in lots of ways - school places, doctors appointments, increased traffic, internet speeds, overloaded drains, water pressure and so on.

Right now two applications have been appealed having been refused planning permission by Flintshire planning committee - Redrow and Hawarden Road.

We need your support now to show the strength of feeling in the community.

We are hoping that we will have a guest on Wednesday from Cardiff, who is acting as a consultant for Flintshire County Council to prepare a report on 'Social-cohesion' and how the rapid growth of Penyffordd has had an impact.

In addition to the two appeals, there are also two applications on Rhos Road - one is to finalise the details of a previously approved application for 40 houses, the second is for 36 retirement apartments. Both are outside of Flintshire's plan and our settlement boundary. 

Over 300 villagers wrote to object to Redrow and 165 wrote to object to Hawarden Road - both of which were refused. We need to do the same again with these two.

New School

In July Flintshire County Council shared the plans for the new primary school on Abbots Lane. They have listened to the feedback from residents and the Community Council and have revised the plans and commissioned a traffic report.

The schools team, along with Colin Everett CEO of Flintshire C.C., will be at the meeting to share the updated plans and hopefully early data from the traffic survey.

The new plans have been welcomed by the school head and teachers, the governors, pupils and community council.

Hanson Cement

Hanson Cement have submitted a planning application for the expansion of the plant. David Quick, the Plant Manager has agreed to come along to the meeting to explain what they are planning and the potential impact on the community.

Successes so Far

The public meeting, organised by the Penyffordd Community Group, is an opportunity for us to share what is happening and why with the community and to answer questions.

This meeting is particularly important because of the school update and the opportunity to talk to our invited guests. 

We have held a number of public meetings over the past year, this is what has been achieved so far.

There are lots of people in Flintshire and Cardiff who know where Penyffordd is after the last year! These are some of the things achieved through the community coming together and presenting a unified voice:

- completed a questionnaire with nearly 800 responses
- created a Place Plan for the village setting out the growth needs of the community
- stopped a proposed battery farm
- changes to the Community Transport Plan
- Bank Farm application for 12 houses has been rejected by Flintshire
- Council houses behind West View taken off the agenda
- Redrow application refused by officers (recommendation) and committee
- Hawarden application refused by committee

We have met with Flintshire County Council, Welsh Government, our MP and our Assembly Member.

Please come along and help to protect our village way of life.